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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, October 16, 2012, in meeting room 3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
PRESENT: Chairman Donald Sharpe, Vice – Chair Walter Motyka, Joseph Tarshis, Jean Leonard, Joseph Humeston
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development, Betsy Paynter, Bob Rau, Allan Song, and Andy Wiggin as a guest.
Chairman Donald Sharpe called the meeting to order at 7:07pm.
Public Participation: Andy Wiggins owns 84 South Main Street where the new Prudential building and LMT Communications is located. Mr. Wiggin’s just purchased the adjoining property and is planning a new project for the site. He is exploring a few different options and looked into the new Business Incentive Program. Currently, the only two things the Business Incentive Program supports are for professional use and retail. Mr. Wiggins is looking into constructing a new building next to his current one which will have retail or office space on the first floor, and then on the second floor have three, one bedroom residential apartments. The main reason Mr. Wiggin’s came to the Board tonight was to propose that the Board consider changing the Business Incentive Program to include ‘mixed use’ in order to reach out to more individuals including himself.
Allan Song is the newest participant joining the EDC, and will be sworn in tomorrow as an official EDC member.
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Joe Humeston, the minutes of August 21, 2012 were approved. Seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously passed.
Upon motion of Joe Humeston, the minutes of September 18, 2012 were approved as corrected by Elizabeth Stocker. Seconded by Joe Tarshis and unanimously passed.
Changes that were made to the September minutes were as follows; List Elizabeth Stocker under people also present instead of under the commission members. Don Shape should now be listed as Chairman instead of Co – Chair. Also, some wording under the discussion section of Elizabeth Stocker’s EDC report.
Director of Economic & Community Development – Report and discussion
Don Shape gave recognition to Elizabeth Stocker on how this year she has currently brought in $1,746,000 in grant money she has applied for or has already been granted.

Edmond Road Realignment-
Ms. Stocker presented plans developed by the State of Connecticut on the relocation of Edmond Road. The relocation would move the road from its current location across from Mobile gas station to across the street from Commerce Road. The old Citgo gas station has a prior approval from land use agencies which was supported by the Board for the redevelopment of the gas station. Currently, the granted approvals are being appealed in court. George Benson from the Land Use Department has worked with the land owners to do some land swaps and everyone has come together and has agreed to it. This means the land variances would be removed as they are not needed, and hopefully the lawsuit would be dropped which means redevelopment can occur. There has also been an air mark on this property by the federal government for work on that specific location that is basically less money than the actual project requires. First Selectman, Pat Llodra had several discussions with DOT and staff in town to talk to them about the use of the air marks. There had been some discussion about installing a median because it is a high accident area. DOT indicated that the Federal Government has to approve any changes because the town feels that the relocation of Edmond Road would alleviate some of the congestion, and improve the traffic safety in the area. DOT agrees with the town, and some traffic studies have been accommodated which support the project.  With the realignment with the road it would create more land frontage in the area which could possible create more development in the area.
Sandy Hook Auto-Marine update-
The foreclosure on the Sandy Hook Auto & Marine property has been commenced, and an attorney for the defendant has appeared in the action. The town is going to at this point demand to disclose their defense and to move for judgment for foreclosure any time after November 2nd.   An appraisal and information on the environmental condition for the property are underway.  
Batchelder update-
Ms. Stocker had a meeting in Derby this morning with Arthur Bogan and Rick Dun, on behalf of the Regional Brownfields Partnership. They successfully applied for and were granted in grants in the amounts of $1.25 million for Brownfields for both assessments and clean up. Ms. Stocker presented the properties in Newtown that require work and the potential reuse of the designated properties and to strategize on how to move forward.
Capital Improvement Plan-
The Capital Improvement Plan that is in draft format was approved by the Board of Selectman. Ms. Stocker did attend the Board of Selectman meeting last night and discussed the 2013/2014 year. The Hawleyville sewer extension project was included for $500,000 which is the proposed planning start for the project. Also, improvements at the FFH campus which make the property move attractive to the redevelopment plan, and Danbury Hall is slated for demolition for $200,000. The total for the demolition project is actually $250,000 which is for remediation and demolition. Ms. Stocker discussed the issue with the Brownfields Regional Group and is hopeful on getting grants in the amount of $50,000 to cover the rest of the cost. The Board discussed how important the Hawleyville sewer extension project is to the town because there is enough open land and land that can be upgraded and developed which the town can charge for assessment and usage, and would be able recoup its costs. The $500,000 approved for the sewer extension project is to hire an engineer to better define the actual cost and development. Then the next step would be to get the appraisal done to determine what the benefit assessments would be. At that point the town would have a better understanding of what the actual cost would be for the sewer extensions and could be it out to bid for construction.
Fairfield Hills-EDC marketing plan-
The FFH subcommittee met which Don Sharpe attended, and discussed proposing to the authority about taking over the marketing for the portion of FFH that is commercial and industrial. The goal is to try and get some long term leases, and Mr. Motyka came up with an idea that is favored is a $1 lease for 30 years. The idea is still under development but it makes it more attractive for a developer to come in, but the idea is that the old building would need to be demolished and a new building constructed in its place. This would be developed through a bond so that if the project is not completed within a certain time frame the town can retain the bond and demolish what is existing.
Destination Newtown is being held on November 7th at Newtown Country Club and the EDC is hosting a booth. Elizabeth Stocker and Betsy Paynter will help run the booth along with Commission members Jean Leonard, Joseph Humeston and Walter Motyka.
Round Table Update: Ongoing activities-
Next Steps-SHU study group on Business Incubators-
Jean Leonard has not heard any correspondence regarding Business Incubators but will follow up.
Serving Newtown’s existing commercial base-
Joe Tarshis discussed about creating an event such as Best of Newtown, and are going to hold a beer fest on the first weekend of August.
Passport to Sandy Hook was a very successful event which brought in over 800 people attending and lots of business interaction.
Betsy Paynter presented that the October newsletter was released, and an additional 115 newsletters went out totaling 1,128 distributed which included a couple new articles. The newsletter included an article with Ms. Stocker about the New England Real Estate Journal which was very successful. Also, tried another outreach to active businesses in town by sending out a flyer with the Personal Property Declarations mailed out by the Assessor’s Office asking them to sign up for the newsletter and posting their business name on the EDC website directory. Ms. Paynter and Ms. Stocker met with Efficient Lighting Consultants at the Tier One building to talk to them about promoting business within the town. Also, spoke to Tony Caraluzzi at Taunton Liquors, UK Gourmet Food, Thai Delight, Fashion Exchange, and meeting with Carminuccio’s sometime next week. Ms. Paynter is going to be doing this on a weekly basis so if anyone knows of any businesses to can be approached she is open to suggestions.
Old Business:
EDC current FY & 2013-2014 budget-
Ms. Stocker presented that the budget needs to be voted on by the end of November for the next fiscal year. Currently, the Board has a $40,000 budget that the commission approved the work plan for. Mr. Sharpe proposed keeping the budget at $40,000 for the commission which would bring the budget total to roughly $143,000 which includes Ms. Stocker’s salary and benefits, dues and subscriptions. Mr. Sharpe discussed and requested Krystal price out pins to be made up for Board members with the EDC logo and member names.
Main Street Investment Fund Program update-
The main street investment fund is going to make a decision by the end of the year.
Formal vote on Fast Track Program-
Upon motion of Joe Humeston, Fast Track to Newtown program was approved. Seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously passed.

Business Incentive Program Review and Recommendations-

Currently, under the town’s plan right now there are three uses that are permitted under the sliding scare schedule; Office, retail, and manufacturing. The program is also very conservative because under state statutes it allows ten uses versus the town’s proposed three. Ms. Stocker suggests that the Board opens up to additional desired uses in order to branch out to more individuals and businesses. The Board is discussing whether to consider mixed use and information technology among some other uses with specific guidelines because it does not change the culture of the town. The Board might also want take a closer look at and analyze how the State’s Business Incentive Program works in order to allow for flexibility with certain parameters since they incorporate more uses. Also, the Board needs to analyze how the surrounding towns implement their Business Incentive Program because the Board needs to ensure that Newtown is competive amongst the other towns as well. The Board is going to gather more information on the subject and reanalyze for discussion next meeting. Allan Song and Don Sharpe are going to work with Ms. Stocker on restructuring BIP terms and guidelines.

New Business:
Draft EDC bylaws- Going to be discussed at next month’s meeting.
Executive Session: NA
Upon motion of Joe Humeston the meeting adjourned at 9:06pm. Seconded by Joe Tarshis and unanimously passed.


The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, October 16, 2012, in meeting room 3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
PRESENT: Chairman Donald Sharpe, Vice – Chair Walter Motyka, Joseph Tarshis, Jean Leonard, Joseph Humeston & Allan Song
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development, Betsy Paynter, Bob Rau, and Andy Higgins as guest.
 Chairman Don Sharpe called the meeting to order at 7:07pm.
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Joe Humeston, the minutes of August 21, 2012 were approved. Seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously passed.
Upon motion of Joe Humeston, the minutes of September 18, 2012 were approved as corrected by Elizabeth Stocker. Seconded by Joe Tarshis and unanimously passed.
Upon motion of Joe Humeston, Fast Track to Newtown program was approved. Seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously passed.
Upon motion of Joe Humeston the meeting adjourned at 9:06pm. Seconded by Joe Tarshis and unanimously passed.